About TroutStrike.com – Never Stop Learning About Fly Fishing for Trout

About the Author

fly fishing
Most of my time on the water is on Central Pennsylvania limestone streams.

My name is Jeff Smecker, and I am the author of Troutstrike.com. I am not a professional angler, or a guide, or a former member of a national fly fishing team. I am just a regular guy who will never stop learning about fly fishing for trout. My mission is to provide fly anglers with high quality content based on my own my own experiences on the water.

When I am not on the water, in front of my vise, or writing for TroutStrike.com, I am a school principal. Prior to my role as an administrator, I was a teacher. I have been serving students in public education for nearly thirty years. As an educator, my vision for TroutStrike.com is to create an engaging and fun to read website to help anglers continue learning about our amazing sport when not on the water. 

Each post is constructed to help the reader learn something about fly fishing for trout. The best teachers create a classroom environment where students become part of a learning community. As the lead learner of TroutStrike.com, my hope is to create a community of fly anglers where we can all learn from one another. Readers are invited to add to the discussion after each post.

About the Website

Some posts on TroutStrike.com will tell stories and hopefully make you laugh. Others will be more straightforward. Either way, the goal of each post is to teach a concept to help anglers have more success on the water. Understanding concepts helps us to adapt and transfer our skills to the many different challenges chasing trout with a fly rod presents. Remember, other than proper handling and releasing of the trout we catch, there is never just one right way to do something when it comes to fly fishing. 

We all know that time spent on the water is the best teacher of all. But for so many of us, we do not have the opportunity to spend as much time on the water as we would like. In fact, I don’t know anyone who says he or she gets enough time on the water.

When you are not on the water, it is my sincere hope that TroutStrike.com becomes a space for you to learn, laugh, and reflect about fly fishing for trout so that your time on the water is more successful and enjoyable. 

Thank you for your support of TroutStrike.com.

Spend more time on the water,

Jeff Smecker

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